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1Blocker for Mac 破解版下载 – 优秀的网页内容和广告拦截器

2016年06月21日 浏览器插件, 系统增强 ⁄ 共 760字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,717 次

1Blocker LOGO
1Blocker 是一款Mac上优秀的网页内容和广告拦截器,可以由用户自己定义各种规则,添加屏蔽网址等操作,并且 Mac 与 iOS 两个平台的客户端可通过 iCloud 同步规则,1Blocker 配备了对 Ads、Trackers、Cookies、Twitter 组件、Facebook 组件、自定义网络字体、评论插件、成人网站等网页内容的阻拦,非常好用!
[1Blocker 在 Mac App Store上售价30元]


1Blocker Website Inspector allows you to detect number of ads and trackers on a page, analyze content size and loading time, as well as estimate 1Blocker effect in Safari. See for yourself how many ad networks and analytics providers build deep profiles about you across the web.

Using 1Blocker you can also block these ads and tracking scripts in Safari. In addition to ad blocking, you can also block comments, various social widgets, share buttons, obtrusive EU cookie law notices, custom web fonts, adult sites, and more.


1Blocker 截图





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