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Music Tag Pro for Mac 3.1.3 破解版下载 – 易用的音频标签编辑工具

2016年05月10日 音频编辑 ⁄ 共 707字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 982 次

Music Tag Pro LOGO
Music Tag Pro 是一款Mac上易用的音频标签编辑工具,支持几乎所有的音频格式,mp3, m4a, wma, wav, ogg等,支持快速批量的修改音频文件的元数据,如作者、标题、专辑等等信息,很好用!
[Music Tag Pro 在 Mac App Store上售价18元]


Music Tag Pro is a professional application to help you organize your music collection.

With the app you can easily edit information such as a song's artist, title, album, cover, year, track, disc number, composer, grouping, genre, bpm, rating, comments and lyrics .

Batch edit your music tag, you can apply your editing to all items .

Online search your music’s cover. Input title, album and artist, the app will find and add your music 's cover .

The app support music format contain ( mp3, m4a, wma, wav, ogg, mka, au, caf, aiff, flac, ac3, m4r ) .


Music Tag Pro 截图





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