Cisdem PDFConverterOCR 是一款Mac上强大的PDF格式转换和OCR识别工具,可以将PDF转换为Word, Text, PowerPoint, Excel, Rtfd, ePub, HTML, keynote等格式,还支持编辑PDF文件,OCR图片文字识别,很不错!
[Cisdem PDFConverterOCR 在官网上售价39.95美元,约合人民币240元]
Cisdem PDFConverterOCR can convert both normal and scanned PDF documents into editable and well-formatted Word, Text, PowerPoint, Excel, Rtfd, ePub, HTML, keynote, pages, etc. After the PDF conversion, all the original text, images, graphics, tables, etc. are exactly preserved. With Up to 49 languages supported for text recognition, it is the most handy and convenient OCR PDF tool for everyone: home users, business users at work, and educational institutions. What's more, if the PDF is password-protected, you can convert the PDF directly, no password required.