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GIF Brewery 3 for Mac 3.0 破解版下载 – 最好用的Gif动画制作工具

2016年04月28日 动画制作, 图片处理 ⁄ 共 847字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 4,797 次

GIF Brewery 3 LOGO
今天和大家分享 GIF Brewery 3.0 版本,这是最好用的Gif动画制作工具,简单易用,支持从视频导入、屏幕录制、iOS设备等等进行Gif图片制作,支持循环预览动图,帧管理,动图拼接,自动计算帧数与延时参数(Calculate Frame Count & Delay),新的滤镜,可输入具体长宽值的图像剪裁操作以及视频回放功能,非常强大!

[GIF Brewery 3 在 Mac App Store上售价30元]


GIF Brewery 3 is a video to GIF creator on Mac OS X. GIF Brewery 3 lets you convert clips from your video files to GIFs. Let GIF Brewery do all the hard work for you!

* Convert clips from your videos into GIFs.
* Can record your screen, web cam, or iOS 8+ devices and opens them ready to be converted to a GIF.
* Resize and crop the video for your GIF.
* Add multiple captions or overlay images to the GIF.
* Create GIFs with your desired FPS or manually set the frame count and frame delay.
* Apply image filters like Color Correction or famous photo filters like Transfer and Noir.
* Save settings for later edits.
* Supports Mac OS X 10.11+.


GIF Brewery 3 截图





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