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Uplet for Mac 1.0 破解版下载 – Instagram批量上传图片工具

2016年03月11日 聊天社交 ⁄ 共 983字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 933 次

Uplet LOGO
Uplet 是一款Mac上Instagram图片上传工具,支持批量上传多张图片,并且是无损上传,很不错!
[Uplet 在官网上售价19.99美元,约合人民币120元]


Uplet is a bulk Instagram image uploader. It enables you to upload any number of images to Instagram without compromising their quality. It does not matter what device you have used for taking photos. Uplet is compact easy-to-use app that enables you to add multiple pictures to Instagram in one go directly from your Mac. The way it works is really simple - select images and drag-and-drop them into the app window. You can edit each of them separately - fit the images into the square frame or set your own width and height, retain the original high resolution. Image captions are perhaps as important as images themselves, they tell your story. Hashtags help other Instagram users find your images, while emojis are to express your feelings. With Uplet you can pull all your images to Mac and upload them to Instagram within the shortest time possible. It certainly adds more fun to your Instagram experience, make sure to check it out.


Uplet 截图





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