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Clipboard Center for Mac 2.0 破解版下载 – 优秀的剪切板增强管理工具

2016年03月26日 系统增强 ⁄ 共 1005字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,156 次

Clipboard Center LOGO
Clipboard Center 是一款Mac上优秀的剪切板增强管理工具,今天和大家分享最新的2.0版本,具有全新的界面和UI设计,Clipboard Center在用户体验和各种配置上都很不错,比如可以配置列表的显示方式、记录条数上限、全局快捷键、文件类型过滤、应用黑名单等等功能都非常的实用,很不错!
[Clipboard Center 在 Mac App Store上售价30元]


Clipboard Center is an easy-to-use and powerful clipboard manager. Through a history, lists and a flexible interface, this app allows you to copy and paste texts, images and files in the most efficient way.

• Capture the Clipboard
Every texts, images and files copied in your apps will be added seamlessly to the history from the moment you enable clipboard capture.

• Paste efficiently
Each entry and even a selection of entries can be pushed by a simple click in the current clipboard.

版本 2.0 中的新功能
New in 2.0:
- Flat design (light and black)
- Various UI improvements
- The window can be attached to the right side of the screen
- The texts are now editable directly within the app
- The sidebar visibility is no longer linked to the window display mode (a button has been added to toggle the list)
- Navigation with arrows for lists and entries


Clipboard Center 截图





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