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Aurora HDR Pro for Mac 1.2.1 下载 – 优秀的图片HDR特效工具

2016年03月28日 图片处理 ⁄ 共 776字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,162 次

Aurora HDR Pro LOGO
Aurora HDR Pro 是一款Mac上优秀的图片HDR特效工具,今天和大家分享最新的1.2.1版本,由Macphun公司出品,通过这款软件,可以快速的为照片添加各种HDR特效,简单易用,非常的不错!
[Aurora HDR Pro 在 Mac App Store上售价258元]


Aurora HDR™ is the world’s most advanced & amazing HDR software, co-developed by
Macphun and Trey Ratcliff - the renowned HDR photographer whose photos have been viewed more than 115 Billion times - this guys *knows* about "high dynamic range" photography.

You get tools, power, flexibility and creative freedom to make amazing HDR photos in minutes,
without Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom or any other software.

版本 1.2.1 中的新功能
Aurora HDR is now available in 3 new languages: German, Japanese, and Spanish.
We've improved Aurora HDR performance as the Photos extensions.
And improved highlights effect and increased the speed while processing big files


Aurora HDR Pro 截图





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