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Antetype for Mac 1.7.2 破解版下载 – 优秀的交互UI设计工具

2016年03月09日 原型设计, 设计绘图 ⁄ 共 949字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 3,290 次

Antetype LOGO
Antetype是一款Mac上的移动应用交互UI设计工具,今天和大家分享最新的1.7.2版本,完美兼容最新的Mac OSX 10.11 (El Capitan) 系统,软件支持Android手机、Android平板、iPhone、iPad、Mac OS X、Windows Phone、Web等界面设计,可以让你快速制作出优秀的响应式设计界面,具有iOS、Android、OS X、Windwos等系统的界面组件库,方便调用,需要原型设计工具的用户可以试试,很不错!
[Antetype 在 Mac App Store上售价1248元]


Antetype is a high fidelity interface design tool that lets you express your interactive UX ideas for any screen. It allows you to communicate design and behavior in one file to developers, customers and users.

Key Features: Responsive Design, Re-usable widgets and Specification Generation

Antetype captures the intended layout of the designer and intelligently re-organizes the content as changes are made. Adding a new widget, changing a margin or removing a text box updates the design automatically, no tedious nudging required. Antetype’s layout logic and design break points enable web designers to evaluate and refine responsive designs early in the design process.


Antetype 截图





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