TagNotate 是一款Mac上优秀的PDF阅读和注释工具,其特点是可以让你在里面添加多个不同的标签,方便你以后进行回顾时能够快速的找到相对应的关键点,很不错!
[TagNotate 在 Mac App Store上售价68元]
TagNotate is a PDF viewer and annotator with the unique ability to assign tags to annotations - you can create as many different tags as you want, allowing you to associate with each annotation whatever kinds of information are important for you. By selecting one or more tags, you can collect together all the annotations that share those tags (across a single document or across multiple documents), and you can even use tags to select which files are shown in the file browser, or to select the annotations that you want to export to other apps or to email.