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ProCommander for Mac 1.1 破解版下载 – 优秀的双栏文件管理器

2016年02月04日 系统增强 ⁄ 共 886字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,661 次

ProCommander LOGO
ProCommander 是一款Mac上优秀的双栏文件管理器,简单易用,支持快捷键和主题切换等,很不错的一款文件管理器!
[ProCommander 在 Mac App Store上售价98元]


The #1 most sold in the US file management software. Why spend lots of money on other file managers to improve your productivity when you can simply buy ProCommander for a bargain price.

ProCommander is a dual-pane file manager. It provides many functionalities you need to quickly access and manage your local and remote files. It does everything you need and it does it FAST, with NO CRASHES and NO MEMORY LEAKS.

- DUAL-PANE, multi-tabbed dark User Interface
- UI customization (Colors, Behaviour, Actions)
- Advanced Vibrancy FX
- Keyboard SHORTCUTS
- Copy & Paste support
- Folder Sync: keep two folders synchronized
- Advanced filtering support
- Archive support: ZIP, JAR
- Advanced searching for files (by name matching, date, size and contents)
- Sort items by elements (Name, Extension, Date, etc)
- QUICK-LOOK support


ProCommander 截图





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