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Music Healing 3 for Mac 1.0.1 破解版下载 – 音乐治疗和睡眠辅助工具

2016年02月07日 生活辅助, 音乐播放 ⁄ 共 802字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,177 次

Music Healing 3 LOGO
Music Healing 3 是一款Mac上非常好用的音乐治疗和睡眠辅助工具,是一款排压音乐应用。当你紧张、压抑需要放松时,你会怎么做?或许,音乐可以帮助您。该应用给您提供种类丰富的舒缓型音乐,帮助你放松,很实用!
[Music Healing 3 在 Mac App Store上售价12元]


We invented Music Healing years ago. We've refined it. We use it ourselves. Now, we are happy to share our latest creation with you.

- Music Healing Vol. 3 takes what we have learned over the years and applies it here for use as a bedtime sleep aid, a nap-time assistant for children and adults, as an instant escape from stressful circumstances, as a nurturing arts therapy for elderly/mental/general care facilities and any general mind retuning.

- No other senses have the impact of sound. What you hear can change your life. The way you sleep, wake up and think. Change what you listen to and notice a change in everything else.
- Branden Burch CEO of XME Inc. - Creator of Music Healing


Music Healing 3 截图




  1. 头像 a_bb_111 2016年02月08日 19:56  Δ-11楼



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