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Lingvo Dictionary (灵悟词典) for Mac 1.9.7 破解版下载 – 超强的万能词典

2016年02月21日 转换翻译 ⁄ 共 1405字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 2,358 次

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Lingvo Dictionary 是一款俄罗斯著名的语言翻译软件,中文名「灵悟词典」,是一款超强的万能词典,包括7门语言间的相互翻译,主要是俄语和英语,另外也可以自建词库,作为翻译工作者来说,就可以把自己收集的词汇方便的加入用户词典中,可以提高我们的查词的效率。很不错的一款字典工具!
[Lingvo Dictionary 在 Mac App Store上售价258元]


Comprehensive dictionary for 7 languages ● Usage samples ● Meanings of set expressions ● Verb forms ● Over 7,340,000 entries ● World class Oxford Dictionaries ● No Internet connection or in-app purchases required, all dictionaries are included in the application.

● Translation from ENGLISH into Russian, Spanish, German, French, Italian, and back
● Translation from RUSSIAN into English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, and back

Сomplete list of dictionaries: http://www.abbyy.com/dictionary_for_mac/dictionaries/

● Get multiple translations and usage samples for each word meaning.
● View synonyms and antonyms, grammar notes, verb forms, and cultural information.
● Learn meanings of set expressions from general translation and idiomatic dictionaries, phrase books and dictionaries of English slang and colloquialisms.
● Look up accurate translations in more than 100 subject dictionaries of computer, engineering, law, marketing, economics, finance and banking, and medicine terms.
● Listen to pronunciation of key words for English, Spanish, German, Russian and French recorded by native speakers.
● Get a pop-up translation in the Safari browser and other Cocoa applications by simply pointing the mouse cursor at unfamiliar words. The list of applications you can find here


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