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picatext for Mac 1.1 破解版下载 – 快速易用的OCR文字识别工具(支持中文)

2016年01月22日 文档处理 ⁄ 共 779字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 3,947 次

picatext LOGO
picatext 是一款Mac上快速易用的OCR文字识别工具,支持简体中文、繁体中文、英文等数十个语言,最大的优点的菜单栏快速调用,可以快速的通过屏幕截图并识别,也可以导入图片,非常好用!
[picatext 在 Mac App Store上售价25元]


You need to get the text out of an image or from anywhere on your screen? With picatext this is as easy as selecting a file or a screen area. So now you can get the text you need in almost no time. No need to tediously typewrite everything again.

picatext is OCR made simple. We included just the functionality you need. Nothing that might distract you. That helps focusing on the important things and saves you a lot of time.

These are the awesome features of picatext:
- get text from images
- extract text from your screen
- supports the recognition of over 40 languages
- start screen selection by shortcut
- text gets copied to clipboard automatically
- set the font of the output text


Yoink 截图





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