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Rottenwood for Mac 1.0.9 破解版下载 – 优秀的电影收藏工具

2015年12月09日 视频编辑 ⁄ 共 694字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,226 次

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Rottenwood 是一款Mac上优秀的电影收藏工具,可以收藏和跟踪你喜欢的电影,很不错!
[Rottenwood 在 Mac App Store上售价30元]


All your movie memories. In one place.

Dozens of movies come out every month. Some you like, some you don't.

In any case, you may want to keep track of the movies you've seen, rate them and write notes about them.

Huh? Maybe mark them as favorite so that you remember to recommend them to friends?

Or some friend recommends you a movie and you want to remember to watch it?

This is where Rottenwood comes in handy.

It lets you easily make a collection of all movies you've seen, lets you mark them as favorite, or just as 'want to see'.

All in a pretty interface with advanced search features. A must have for anyone passionate about movies.


Rottenwood 截图





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