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Oh My Star for Mac 1.1.9 破解版下载 – 实用的Github Repo管理工具

2015年12月30日 开发环境, 开发辅助 ⁄ 共 894字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,516 次

Oh My Star LOGO
今天和大家分享最新的Oh My Star 1.1.9版本,这是一款Mac上好用的Github Stared Repo管理工具,经常收集各种项目的朋友一定对如何管理这些项目感到头疼,OhMyStar 可以无缝同步你在Github Star的所有repo,在本地浏览、搜索这些stared repo,还能根据语言自动分组,而且你能手动对所有repo进行group,非常的不错!

[Oh My Star 在 Mac App Store上售价68元]


Oh My Star, the best way to organise your Github Stars. Only for OS X.

Oh My Star provides a convenient way to manage your starred Github repositories. You can easily use Oh My Star to view, group, organise your GitHub Stars.

- View your starred repositories. (update automatically)
- Group your starred repositories.
- Sort your starred repositories. (by name, rate, date added)
- Add tags to your starred repositories.
- Rate your starred repositories.
- Copy your starred repository's git clone url.
- Easy to read Readme file.
- Search your starred repositories. (by name, tag, description, and in a specified language)
- Backup with iCloud.

Version 1.1.9:
Added feature to export the database.


Oh My Star 截图





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