今天和大家分享最新的Sketch for Mac 3.4.2 版本,修复了大量问题,增加了对iPad Pro 和 tvOS Artboard的支持等,推荐更新。Sketch 3 是最强大的移动应用设计工具,对于网页设计和移动设计者来说,比PhotoShop好用N倍!尤其是在移动应用设计方面,Sketch的优点在于使用简单,学习曲线低,并且功能更加强大易用,支持自动切图,并且具有移动设计模板,能够大大节省设计师的时间和工作量,非常适合进行网站设计、移动应用设计、图标设计等,很不错!
[Sketch 3 在 Mac App Store上售价660元]
Sketch: graphic design for a digital world. Powerful tools and an elegant interface, in a single award-winning package. Because making beautiful things should be a joy, not a burden.
Sketch supports multiple fills, borders and shadows per layer; has powerful non-destructive boolean operations; smart pixel alignment; and makes exporting a breeze with automatic slicing and multiple resolution export.
版本 3.4.2 中的新功能
## Enhancements
- Added iPad Pro and tvOS Artboard Presets (#6211)
- Added option to indicate whether the opacity of an image should translate to its fill (#6740)
- Improves the behaviour of the Layer List auto-collapsing after deleting layers (#6677)
- Updated iOS UI Design Template (#4020)
## Bug Fixes
- Fixes a bug where images with fills would blend unexpectedly (#6740)
- Fixed a bug where some text layers would display the first line at the wrong position (#6737)
- Fixed a bug where legacy 9-slice images would not render properly (#6745)
- Fixed a crash when editing gradient fills on 10.11 (#6738)