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Asset Catalog Creator for Mac 1.9.1 破解版下载 – APP图标快速制作工具

2015年11月20日 图片处理 ⁄ 共 802字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,672 次

Asset Catalog Creator LOGO
Asset Catalog Creator 是一款Mac上实用的APP图标快速制作工具,可以快速的制作出适合Xcode使用的图标集和启动画面,简单易用,只需要拖拽即可,非常实用的一款开发辅助工具!
[Asset Catalog Creator 在 Mac App Store上售价198元]


Asset Catalog Creator takes any image and creates a full set of icons, splash screens or universal assets for you. Unlike other icon generators, batch resizers or scripts, these are produced in the latest Asset Catalog format allowing you to drag just a single file into Xcode and have all the correctly sized and named icons identified, in the right place and ready to use.

As of iOS 8 there are 20 different icon sizes required for a universal app as well as 20 different splash screen dimensions! Even if you already have an automated way of batch resizing these it’s a tedious process to identify and drag all of these images into their respective places and then deal with any conflicts.


Asset Catalog Creator 截图





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