SmartSleep 是一款Mac上优秀的睡眠智能管理工具,可以提供更加智能的睡眠和待机模式,根据不同的情况和电池状态进行睡眠,很不错!
[SmartSleep 在 Mac App Store上售价50元]
Sleep your Mac differently depending on the battery level.
* QuickSleep feature *New* - sleep your Mac immediately the way you want.
* SmartSleep Menu Item *New* - figure out the current Sleep State and QuickSleep.
* Insomnia feature in Menu Item *New* to keep your Mac awake
* Five different sleep modes to chose from:
- system default
- smart sleep (if your Mac has a battery )
- sleep only
- hibernate only
- sleep and hibernate
* Does not need admin privileges *New*
- You do not need to have SmartSleep in your Dock to keep it running as you can enable to run it as a loginItem in the preferences.