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SQLPro for SQLite for Mac 1.0.49 破解版下载 – SQLite编辑器

2015年09月06日 开发环境, 数据库 ⁄ 共 781字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 3,271 次

SQLPro for SQLite LOGO
SQLPro for SQLite 是一款Mac上优秀的SQLite编辑器,可以方便的创建和编辑SQLite数据库,并且支持导出csv、mysql等数据,很实用!

[SQLPro for SQLite 在 Mac App Store上售价12元]


SQLPro for SQLite is an advanced sqlite editor. It has an easy to navigate interface, with the ability to perform the most basic to advanced tasks.

Features include:

+ Syntax highlighting and query intellisense/auto-complete.
+ Advanced multi-query execution.
+ Pick from multiple included themes, or design your own.
+ Automatic external change detection reloads a database when modified outside of SQLPro.
+ Version integration. Mucked your database? Rollback to a previous version.
+ Runtime loadable extension support.
+ Semiautomatic dependency resolution.
+ Export your data to csv, mysql, xml or json.
+ Backwards compatibility with SQLite 2.
+ Fullscreen support.


SQLPro for SQLite 截图





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