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KeyKey Typing Tutor for Mac 1.0 破解版下载 – 优秀的键盘打字练习工具

2015年09月29日 教育教学 ⁄ 共 850字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,452 次

KeyKey Typing Tutor 是一款Mac上优秀的键盘打字练习工具,可以让我们快速的掌握高效率正确的键盘打字方式,软件界面很精美,很不错的一款电脑教学软件!
[KeyKey 在 Mac App Store上售价18元]


KeyKey will teach you touch typying with fewer error in QWERTY or DVORAK layouts. 15 minutes a day and you will become a keyboard ninja!

## What is it for

To stop struggling with the process of putting together letters and words. When you can type quickly and correctly, you get huge satisfaction in your writing. Few weeks of practice and you will type much faster than you can write with a pen.

## How to learn

1. Start KeyKey and place your hands on the keyboard so that your index fingers are on the keys "F" and "J".

2. Start typing the string you see on screen. It's important not to look at your hands when you are learning to type. If it's difficult for you, just cover them with something.

3. To start another line, just press ENTER. A new string is formed, based on your previous errors.


KeyKey 截图





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