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Infographics for Mac 2.1 破解版下载 – 精美的Keynote模板合集

2015年09月10日 办公软件 ⁄ 共 855字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 3,037 次

Infographics LOGO
Infographics 是一款Mac上精美的Keynote模板合集,包含上百个模板和素材图标,各种类别,值得收藏的一套Keynote模板合集。
[Infographics 在 Mac App Store上售价128元]


The Infographics collection contains a wide range of high-quality designs for illustrating your Keynote presentations. Whether your slideshow is focused on a specific country, explains intricacies of an industry, or presents annual financial results, Infographics is a go-to selection of quality visualization tools.

Infographics contains:
• 33 chart themes with 10 charts each
• 56 themes of data visualization elements
• 800 diagram slides
• 1 world map
• 6 maps of continents
• 17 maps of international organizations
• 201 maps of countries
• 11 maps of countries with their administrative divisions (including the US, the UK, Germany, France, China, and more)
• 207 flags of countries and territories
• 23 flags of international organizations
• 50 sets of national symbols


Infographics 截图





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