Mac / iOS 平台知名思维导图应用 MindNode 2.0 发布了,新增节点备注、大纲视图等若干项全新特性,还支持通过网页直接浏览你的思维导图,并将其嵌入到其他网站。支持中文。MindNode 简单易用,能够让我们快速的创建出美观的思维导图,单击一次即可创建新节点,支持iCloud共享,并且具有iPhone和iPad客户端,支持 iCloud Drive 和 HandsOff 协作功能,非常好用的一款思维导图软件!
[MindNode Pro 在 Mac App Store上售价128元]
MindNode makes mind mapping delightful. Mind maps are a visual representation of your ideas, starting with a central thought and growing from there. MindNode allows you to brainstorm, organize & share your thoughts in an intuitive way, so you can focus on the idea behind it. The clean interface lets you concentrate on generating and connecting thoughts, and an infinitely expanding canvas means that no matter how big or complicated your project gets, MindNode can keep up.