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Airmail for Mac 2.1 中文破解版下载 – Mac上简洁快速的邮件客户端

2015年05月03日 邮件工具 ⁄ 共 836字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 3,352 次

Airmail LOGO
Airmail 2 是一款Mac上的轻量级邮件客户端,今天和大家分享最新的Airmail 2.1 版本,新的图标和新的布局设计以及大量新的功能,相比 Mac 系统自带的邮件客户端,界面更加的简洁和美观,持Exchange, iCloud, Gmail, IMAP, POP3, Google™ Apps, Yahoo!, AOL, Outlook.com, Live.com等邮箱,在用户体验上也非常不错,比如邮件回复、转发按钮的位置非常人性化,还支持主题切换功能,讨厌系统自带邮箱功能的网友可以试试这款软件,非常不错!

[Airmail 在 Mac App Store上售价68元]


Airmail 2 is a new mail client designed for Yosemite with fast performance and intuitive interaction.
Support for iCloud™, MS Exchange, Gmail™, Google™ Apps, IMAP, POP3, Yahoo!™, AOL™, Outlook.com™, Live.com™

Airmail was designed from the ground to retain the same experience with a single or multiple accounts and provide a quick, modern and easy-to-use user experience. Airmail is clean and allows you to get to your emails without interruption - it's the mail client for the 21st century.

版本 2.1 中的新功能
- New Icon
- New Composer Layout
- New Sort menu shortcuts


Airmail 截图





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