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Particles for Mac 2.2.3 破解版下载 – Mac 上好用的Cocos2D粒子编辑器

2015年01月12日 开发辅助 ⁄ 共 673字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,852 次

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Particles 是一款 Mac 上的Cocos2D粒子编辑器,从事 iOS 游戏开发的开发者肯定知道这是什么工具,简单易用,内置了数十种粒子,并且可以自定义各种参数,让开发者设计粒子时节省更多的时间,非常的不错!

[Particles 在 Mac App Store上售价88元]


Create professional Cocos2D particle emitters in minutes for iOS and Mac OS X.

• Customize your emitter by using the sliders or fine tune it with exact numbers.
• Change the colours, preview with a background or use a custom texture for the particles.
• Save your emitters to a plist file easily use in a Cocos2D app or import an existing one.
• Go fullscreen to really see them in action.

We offer quick and easy support. If you have any issues, please email support@tunabelly.com and we will usually get back to you within one business day.


Particles 截图





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