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Outline for Mac 3.1 破解版下载 – Mac上强大易用的笔记软件

2015年01月13日 办公软件, 日程备忘 ⁄ 共 950字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,752 次

Outline 3 LOGO
Outline 是一款Mac上的笔记软件,今天和大家分享最新的3.1版本,此版本完美兼容Yosemite系统,并增加了系统和浏览器的分享扩展功能,UI 完全扁平化的设计,具有类似印象笔记或OneNote的功能,如笔记快速添加、浏览器中剪贴,并且能够兼容微软OneNote格式,支持Dropbox、Box、SkyDrive数据同步,加密、添加附件、Retina屏幕等功能,非常强大的一款笔记软件!

[Outline 3 在 Mac App Store上售价258元]


Outline for Mac is an intuitive note-taking application for OS X with convenient structure resembling real paper books: notebooks, sections, groups of sections and pages help to keep order in notes, regardless of their complexity. Outline for Mac is perfect for students, teachers, physicians, lawyers, executives and everyone who's daily life involves extensive note-taking of any kind. It can be coupled with Outline for iPad and Microsoft OneNote, which makes notes multi-platform.

版本 3.1 中的新功能
OS X Share Extensions support (two way)
· Easy way to send information from apps supporting OS X 8 extensions to Outline. Most useful with Safari.
· Added share menu to Outline. You can now easily send Outline pages to other apps supporting extensions.


Outline 截图




  1. 头像 cndaijin 2015年01月15日 13:36  Δ-11楼

    打开OUTLINE FOR MAC 3.1.DMG,要输入密码


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