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Dejal Simon Monitor Platinum for Mac 4.0 破解版下载 – Mac上优秀的网站监控检测工具

2014年12月26日 网络检测 ⁄ 共 675字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 828 次

Simon LOGO
Dejal Simon Monitor Platinum 是一款 Mac 上的服务器监控工具, 可以帮你监控Http、FTP、DNS服务器,如有出现当机或不能访问,可以通过邮件、声音等方式进行提醒,非常实用的一款网站监控检测工具。

[Simon 在官网上售价25美元,约合人民币150元]


Simon is a useful monitoring tool which checks servers for changes or failures and notifies you via e-mail, sound, speech, or other means. You can use it to track updated sites and to alert you when an important server goes down or recovers. This also makes it suitable for those that just want to check when their favorite sites are updated too although it's a rather long winded way of doing it when you've got RSS feeds for that job. However, if you really like a site and for some reason it has no RSS feed, Simon could be used to monitor it.


Simon 截图





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