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Papers for Mac 3.2.6 破解版下载 – Mac上强大的文献管理和论文写作工具

2014年12月27日 办公软件 ⁄ 共 1065字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 2,650 次

Papers 3 LOGO
Mac上强大的文献管理和论文写作工具:Papers for Mac 3.2.6 版本发布了,Papers 是一款Mac上的知名的文献管理工具,曾获得了苹果设计大奖,具有强大的文稿组织、搜索、阅读、引用功能,支持iOS、Windows、Mac客户端间数据无缝同步,尤其是文献的搜索和嵌入功能,能够为写论文的用户提供很大的帮助,非常优秀的一款软件!

[Papers 3 在官网上售价79美元,约合人民币492元]



Papers is an Apple Design Award and Ars Design Award winning solution for managing research literature. Now, it's time for Papers 3 to take your personal library of research to a whole new level. Papers keeps your library organized and portable, automatically downloads full-text content for your articles, shows you related content when reading, and lets you sync your library between home and work, whether you're using Mac or PC, iPad or iPhone. Staying organized was never this easy.

更新 3.2.6
New Features
• You can now search the contents of your Papers 3 library in Finder using Spotlight.
• You can now create and edit freehand annotations in Papers 3 for Mac.
• You can now Quick Look and search inside of the Microsoft Office Documents in your Papers library.


Papers 截图




  1. 头像 xiaorenwu 2014年12月27日 16:42  Δ-11楼



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