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Muscle System Pro III for Mac 3.8 破解版下载 – 强大的3D人体肌肉系统参考工具

2014年11月29日 医学参考 ⁄ 共 1052字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 5,143 次

Muscle System Pro III LOGO
Muscle System Pro III 是知名的3D4Medical公司出品的又一款强大的3D人体肌肉系统参考工具,完全的 3D 显示,具有215个移动动画、425个音频发音、548张肌肉系统图片,完美支持最新的OS X 10.10 Yosemite系统,总之,这是一款医学相关工作者必须收藏的一款利器!

[Muscle System Pro III 在 Mac App Store上售价128元]


This is a major upgrade and contains 215 movement animations, 425 audio pronunciations, 548 isolated muscle images and 548 muscle Insertion and Origin map images.

For a 2 minute overview of how this app works - please visit: http://applications.3d4medical.com/muscle_pro.php

This app is by far the the most comprehensive musculoskeletal system on the market.
• 360 horizontal degree rotation of any body part - all easily controlled with your mouse.
• Rotate vertically for inferior and superior views (where applicable) - with the swipe of your mouse.
• 10 layers of superficial and deep muscle.
• New 3D level with insertion / origin points mapped onto bone.
• 548 images of every muscles' insertion and origin points mapped onto the bone
• 215 animations of every movement of each articulation (e.g. flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, etc)
• 2 types of Quiz, Drag and Drop and Multi-choice.
• 425 audio pronunciations, for every label.
• Draw on any screen image and then share it through email, Facebook or Twitter.


Muscle System Pro III 截图




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