SafeEraser 是一款 Mac 上实用的iPhone/iPad数据安全删除工具,所谓安全删除,相对普通的删除操作而言,比如你删除 iPhone 上的一张照片,这张照片并没有真正的删除,通过相关的技术手段完全可以找回,所以说如果你有一些非常隐私的数据,如照片、视频、短信等,想要彻底删除,那么就要进行安全删除,SafeEraser就是这样一款软件,支持最新的 iOS 8系统,支持 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod 等设备,非常实用!
[SafeEraser 在官网上售价39.95美元,约合人民币250元]
You may have noticed that after deleting a text message from your iPhone, it’s not gone forever right away. Instead, when searching in the spotlight, it is still there. Ok, this is because deleting a file only removes the file from the original folder and labels it “ready to be overwritten”. It’s the same with other files, like photos, documents, call history, contacts, videos, and more. And with some recovery software, these so-called deleted files can be recovered. Wondershare SafeEraser for Mac is developed to permanently delete your personal sensitive data, including these ‘already deleted files’, browsing history, all kinds of caches that you don’t want anybody to see on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.