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Flashcard Hero for Mac 1.8 破解版下载 – Mac 上专业的抽认卡制作工具

2014年10月14日 教育教学 ⁄ 共 764字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,244 次

Flashcard Hero LOGO
Flashcard Hero 是一款Mac上的用于制作教学抽认卡的实用工具,能够帮助我们轻松制作出抽认卡,对于从事教学工作的朋友来说这应该是个非常有用的工具,因为抽认卡能够将教学更加生动化形象化,Flashcard Hero 能够让我们非常简单的添加图像、列表或是文字等,制作出精美和专业的抽认卡,这款软件是应本站终身VIP会员「sh1neshine」在本站心愿单提出的心愿, 今天和大家分享,非常实用的一款软件!

[Flashcard Hero 在 Mac App Store上售价45元]


Make your own flash cards and take the pressure out of test preparation. Flashcard Hero keeps track of what
facts you already know so you can focus on what you don’t know and save a lot of time.

Beyond your average-vocab-app: We made Flashcard Hero for those of you who want to fit more than a few words on each card. You can add images, lists, and use text formatting to structure your content. Cards even expand as you add more text so you can take notes during class and turn them into study cards later. All decks can easily be shared with others via the web.


Flashcard Hero  截图





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