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Affinity Designer for Mac 1.1.0 破解版下载 – Mac 上优秀的设计绘图工具

2014年10月11日 设计绘图 ⁄ 共 1010字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 4,898 次

Affinity Designer LOGO
应本站多位终身VIP会员在本站心愿单提出的心愿,和大家分享Affinity Designer这款软件,Affinity Designer 是一款最近上架到 App Store,并受到苹果官方推荐的一款设计绘图工具,这款软件可以方便的绘制各种矢量图形,如图标、UI 设计、网站设计、宣传素材等等,支持导入PSD, PDF, SVG, AI 等文件,完全16位编辑通道、专业的颜色模型,非常优秀的一款设计工具。

[Affinity Designer 在 Mac App Store上售价328元]


Professional Graphic Design Software for the Mac.
Affinity Designer is the fastest, smoothest, most precise vector graphic design software available. Whether you’re working on graphics for marketing materials, websites, icons, UI design or just like creating cool concept art, Affinity Designer will revolutionize how you work.

It takes full advantage of OS X technologies such as OpenGL, Grand Central Dispatch, Core Graphics and is fully optimized for 64-bit and multi-core processors to squeeze every ounce of available performance from your hardware – so it’s seriously fast. Whether it’s a 100 megapixel image or the most complex vector drawing with thousands of curves, you still pan and zoom at 60fps, move objects in correct z-order and see live views of all adjustments, brushes and effects as you’re working with no compromise.


Affinity Designer 截图





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