PhotoStyler 是一款 Mac 上优秀的图片特效滤镜工具,这款软件能够让我们快速容易的为图片生成各种特效,如LOMO,拍立得,交叉处理,棕色,黑白,划痕等等,而且速度非常快。如果你还正用Photoshop去处理相片,那效率就太低了,而PhotoStyler这款软件支持批处理,让你仅仅需要简单的拖拽就能够非常快的为大量图片添加特效,非常的实用!
[PhotoStyler 在 Mac App Store上售价198元]
PhotoStyler is the swiss army knife of the photo styling. This simple, fast and accurate native solution combines the powers of Apple's core technologies with the flexibility and efficiency of proprietary application-specific modules. This application can replace a dozen of smaller apps saving your money!
- Lomo, Polaroid, Technicolor, Cross-Processing, Sepia and other vintage styles.
- Color splash, Glow, Bloom and more modern and popular filters.
- Frames, Scratches, Textures, Tattered surfaces, Captions, Sprites to make your photos unique.
- Color balance, Levels, Curves and other low-level filter to tune the image precisely as you want.
- Advanced masking tools.