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HD Cleaner for Mac 1.1 破解版下载 – Mac 上优秀的系统清理工具

2014年09月30日 优化清理 ⁄ 共 691字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,532 次

HD Cleaner LOGO
HD Cleaner ,又一款 Mac 上优秀的系统清理工具,和大部分的系统清理工具功能类似,支持系统缓存、日志、历史记录、Cookies等方面的清理,帮助节约珍贵的磁盘空间,软件界面做的很漂亮,以饼图和列表的形式显示信息,一键清理垃圾文件,非常的实用!

[HD Cleaner 在 Mac App Store上售价30元]


Remove gigabytes from your hard drive in just one click.

HD Cleaner helps you get rid of those useless files so you can have more room on your hard drive. Scan your home folder and free up your hard drive space for the important things.

Features Include:
◆ Overview Graph: visualize how much space you have available and how much you can clean up.
◆ Quick Access: quickly access and learn more about what files you'll be deleting.
◆ Customization: Pick what you want to delete based on your needs.
◆ Quick Cleanup: It only takes one button to free up gigabytes of space!


HD Cleaner 截图





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