CodeKit 是一款 Mac上知名的Web前端开发工具,因为功能强大被誉为前端开发“神器”,应本站终身VIP会员「cdcdnogg」在本站心愿单提出的心愿,今天和大家分享最新的CodeKit 2.1.5版本,CodeKit 2 支持Less, Sass, Stylus, CoffeeScript, Typescript, Jade, Haml, Slim, Markdown & Javascript 等语言的编译,具有浏览器自动刷新、各种前端开发框架自动安装( Bootstrap, jQuery)等等功能,尤其是对最新技术的支持相当不错,可谓前端开发利器!
[CodeKit 2 在官网上售价30美元,约合人民币180元]
CodeKit compiles Less, Sass, Stylus, Jade, Haml, Slim, CoffeeScript, Javascript, TypeScript, Markdown and Compass files automatically each time you save. Easily set options for each language on a file-by-file basis.
CodeKit has JSHint, JSLint and CoffeeLint built-in. Each time you save, CodeKit checks your file for syntax errors and shows them to you. No more hours wasted looking for that one missing comma that breaks a script in Internet Explorer!
更新 2.1.5
• Sass updated to 3.4.3 (which was released yesterday, right after the CodeKit update). This resolves several bugs in Sass.
• WARNING: The current release of Zurb Foundation is broken when compiling with Sass 3.4+. Fortunately, the fix is very easy. See this thread for the one-line change to make.
• Sass deprecated the old behavior back at the start of 2014 but Zurb still hasn’t updated their code.
运行「」,然后将应用程序目录中的「CodeKit .app」拖拽到「」上即可完成破解。
This patch seems to be corrupted. Please make sure you get your patchers from a trusted source.
If you believe you did, try uncompressing it
with Mac OS X’s Archive Utility.
Patch工具在10.9.5 上运行有些问题,正在解决