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Brain Pro for Mac 1.0 破解版下载 – Mac 上优秀的大脑医学参考软件

2014年09月30日 医学参考 ⁄ 共 818字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 2,752 次

Brain Pro LOGO
应本站终身VIP会员「pjh6666」在本站心愿单提出的心愿,和大家分享 Brain Pro 这款软件,Brain Pro 是一款3D4Medical出品的3D大脑医学参考软件,可以用于医学教学和工作参考,非常优秀的一款软件。

[Brain Pro 在 Mac App Store上售价68元]


The Brain Pro - Mac edition (Nova Series) has been designed specifically for the Mac. It is a must have app for anyone studying anatomy and is aimed at students with a basic to advanced level of anatomical medical knowledge as well as medical professionals. In this Nova Series the user can manipulate the Brain on screen by rotating it laterally or vertically. The app also allows sectioned views which can be accessed by cutting the brain open with a swipe and the ability to add custom labels. The user can also change the transparency of various elements of the Brain to give phantom views which aid in identifying exact positioning. Colored schematics and an interactive quiz to test your knowledge of the Brain are also available.


Brain Pro 截图




  1. 头像 idyl 2014年10月20日 13:14  Δ-11楼

    买了正版,晕!这个虽然是英文版,但MAC自带的词典可以取词,不过要装个湘雅的词库。Essential Anatomy 就不可以。顺便说一句,MAC上的这个没有ipad上的好,没有动画,没有分层扫描。

  2. georgecjy georgecjy 2014年10月03日 02:42  Δ-10楼



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