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Stills for Mac 2.6 破解版下载 – Mac上精美的设计素材矢量图库

2014年08月29日 设计素材 ⁄ 共 733字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,736 次

Stills LOGO
Stills 是一款Mac上精美的设计素材矢量图库,一共包含了1733套精美的素材图库,包含矢量图、剪切画、交通标志、3D 物品、人物等等,都非常的专业和漂亮,从事设计和美术相关工作的网友一定要收藏的一套素材库!

[Stills 在 Mac App Store上售价123元]


Stills is an ultimate set of 1733 illustrations appropriate for any Pages or Keynote document that requires color, texture and authenticity. It contains 100 high-quality clipart images, 100 illustrations images, 417 high-quality photos (1024 x 768 pixels), 200 photo items with transparent backgrounds, 300 People Clipart, 399 realistic objects rendered in 3D and 217 high-quality traffic signs images. Drag and drop any of these images onto your presentation slides or text documents and give your audience something to remember! Smell the scent of chocolate. Feel the soft fabric of towels. It's a touch of life on your slides.


Stills 截图





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