应本站终身VIP会员「load.x」的在本站心愿单提出的心愿,和大家分享MaxBulk Mailer这款软件,MaxBulk Mailer Pro 是一款Mac上邮件批量发送工具,可以用于EDM邮件营销,支持导入邮件数据库列表,然后大批量发送,简单易用,支持各种强大方便的配置,如定制SMTP邮件头、重复邮件的地址过滤、编码识别和设置等等,可以导入文本文件、远程数据库等,非常的强大!
[MaxBulk Mailer Pro 在官网上售价59.9美元,约合人民币360元]
MaxBulk Mailer is a mail-merge software and a bulk mailer for Macintosh and Windows that allows you to send out customized press releases, newsletters, prices lists and any kind of text, rich text or HTML documents to a large number of people. MaxBulk Mailer handles plain text, HTML and styled text documents and gives full support for attachments. MaxBulk Mailer HTML support allows you to include graphics, fonts and colors turning your messages into professional online brochures.