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Xcode 6 for Mac 开发者测试版下载 – 苹果出品的强大开发工具

2014年06月18日 Apple, 开发环境 ⁄ 共 718字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 3,321 次

Xcode 6 LOGO
苹果在WWDC上发布了最新的Xcode 6,目前这款开发工具还处在开发者测试版阶段,但对于学习新语言Swift和调试iOS 8系统的开发者来说确是不可缺少的,Xcode 6 支持OS X 10.9 或更高版本,所以开发者可以不用升级到10.10系统,目前最新的测试版本为 beta 2 版本。


Xcode 6 introduces a radically new way to design and build software. Swift is an innovative new programming language for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch and, when combined with Xcode tools, makes programming a delightfully live experience. This same live experience permeates throughout Xcode 6. Live rendering within Interface Builder displays your hand-written UI code within the design canvas, instantly reflecting changes you type in code. And the new view debugger explodes all the UI layers into a 3D visualization, making it easy to understand how your interface is composed, and identify overlapping or clipping views.


Xcode 6 截图


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