本站曾分享过多款可视化零编码的Web开发工具,比如Sparkle、Flux和Macaw,今天和大家分享最新版的Macaw 1.0.5,Macaw的优秀之处是不需要你任何编码,让你像画图一样快速的编写出网页,软件UI的设计非常的漂亮,其官网的设计也非常漂亮,并且支持响应式网页开发、WEB字体、移动设备预览等功能,集成了从编码到发布的所有功能,非常的强大,1.0.5解决了大量问题,推荐安装。
PS:部分网友反映1.0.1版本在OS X 10.9.2上无法运行,可能为系统兼容问题,笔者在本机(OS X 10.9.2)测试1.0.5版本,在运行时需等待大约1分钟,即可运行。
[Macaw 在官网上售价179美元 约合1094人民币]
Macaw is a professional web design tool built for both designers and developers. It was built with the goal to change how we design for the web. No longer should we need to create static deliverables and write code from scratch to bring them to life. With Macaw, you can create responsive web designs using the web as your medium. Its fluid interface is similar to image editing software so getting up and running is simple. It also boasts one of the smartest design to code engines ever built, which analyzes your design to generate smart, succinct code with the click of a button.