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iCorner Radius for Mac 1.01 破解版下载 – Mac上实用的图片圆角工具

2014年02月08日 图片处理 ⁄ 共 542字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,472 次

iCorner Radius是一款Mac上的图片圆角工具,能够将任何一张正方形的图片快速的转换为圆角图片,可以自定义圆角的弧度,这款软件主要用于iOS应用或游戏的开发辅助,很实用!


Corner Radius allows you to create a rounded rectangle out of any square shaped image! Have you ever needed to round corners for an app icon (or any image for that matter) and had an exact corner radius in mind? Have you ever opened your favorite image editor and tried to apply an exact corner radius to that icon only to find out that it’s way harder than it should be? Well, if you’re that person, we’re happy to tell you that those days are over! Adding a corner radius to an image should be easy, and NOW IT IS!


下载 iCorner Radius for Mac 1.01 破解版


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