GamePad Companion是一款Mac上的游戏手柄配置工具,可以让你用游戏手柄代替键盘和鼠标,这样即使游戏不支持手柄也可以使用,允许使用USB HID兼容设备(手柄,游戏杆等),可以使用这款软件配置NBA 2K或实况足球等游戏,非常的不错!喜欢使用手柄玩游戏的网友不可错过!
GamePad Companion enables you to configure your gaming device to act as a keyboard or mouse. With GamePad Companion you can use your gaming devices with most games and apps, even if they don't have built-in support for those devices!
GamePad Companion works with gaming devices that conform to the USB HID (Human Interface Device) standard. For more information on devices you can visit GamePad Companion support.
*Some gamepads may require drivers not built into OSX before they will appear in GamePad Companion.
*Please visit for important information regarding XBOX 360 and PS3 gamepad support.
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