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You Need a Budget (YNAB) for Mac 4.3 破解版下载 – Mac上优秀的财务预算软件

2013年12月13日 财务管理 ⁄ 共 993字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 2,507 次

You Need a Budget是一款Mac平台非常优秀的财务管理软件,你可以使用这款软件订制你的全年预算,随时查看账务情况,非常的强大!


You Need a Budget YNAB for mac是一款超赞的个人理财管理专家,它能够为你精打细算、系统全面而又富有成效。精简你的预算、功能强大,让你时刻明晰自己的财务状况,做最好的财务管理,让你全面掌控你的财务情况。
Praised across the internet as the "best budgeting software", You Need A Budget (YNAB) cuts to the chase with your finances. YNAB focuses you on the foundation of your finances: the Budget. Experience has shown that when your budget is intact, and functioning correctly, everything else takes care of itself (the bills are paid on time, retirement contributions are made, and unnecessary debt is eliminated).

The software is built around the YNAB Method, which is comprised of our Four Rules. These Four Rules help you break the paycheck to paycheck cycle, get out of debt, and save more money faster. Where other software packages tend to have years of feature creep, YNAB offers exactly what you need: a simple, straightforward system to manage your money. And YNAB offers fantasitic support, including video tutorials, free live budgeting classes, and an active supportive forum community.





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