Scrutiny是一款网站SEO工具,它能够自动检测目标网站的坏链、HTML验证、描述Description、标题Title等SEO信息,并具有强大的报告导出功能,非常的不错!这款软件在Mac App Store售价¥328.00。
Scrutiny for Mac是一个所有功能于一身的网站优化工具。
Scrutiny for Mac使用久经考验的Integrity引擎抓取一个网站,并报告断开的链接。而且它具有更强大的功能,例如进行认证,为站长提供多项服务,如生成一个XML站点地图,HTML验证和必要的SEO检查页面标题,meta关键字,meta描述和标题。查找问题,如重复的内容,长/短/丢失的meta描述。它还提供工具用于分析一个给定页面的负荷,计算出现的关键字或短语,可导出报告全文。
- Improve your website's quality, SEO and user experience
- Checks internal and external links as well as images
- Fast scan with many options, progress displayed via dock icon
- Highlights problems in colour, double-click for further information
- Many export options including full report, xml sitemap, graphic visualisation
- Checks your html using the w3c html validator; the public instance or your own installation
- SEO analysis of a page such as occurrences of keywords or missing page title, meta description, headings and keywords. Also highlighting of possible duplicates (same page, different url)
- Manages as many sites as you like with different settings for each
- Retina screens supported