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Soulver for Mac 2.4.1 破解版下载 – Mac上优秀的多功能计算器

2013年09月20日 办公软件, 应用, 系统增强 ⁄ 共 691字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,796 次

今天和大家分享一款Mac上非常强大的计算器:Soulver,Soulver和系统自带的计算器不同,它让你输入计算的数字和操作符,然后帮助你计算出结果,更加的符合人们的计算习惯,此外,还支持很多强大的功能,需要大家慢慢发掘了,如输入120 - 10% ,会自动计算出结果102,非常的强大!


下载Soulver for Mac 2.4.1 破解版



Soulver helps you do quick calculations and work things out. Use Soulver to play around with numbers, do "back of the envelope" calculations, and solve day-to-day problems.

Annotate your numbers with words, so that they make sense to you. Soulver picks out the numbers and calculates your answer as you type. Do calculations over multiple lines, and refer to previous lines, much like a spreadsheet.

Soulver is great for adding things up, doing all kinds of percentages easily, and converting things, like currencies. It's quicker to use than a spreadsheet, and smarter and clearer than a traditional calculator.

  1. 头像 adamshi1994 2014年09月05日 06:33  Δ-11楼



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