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钢铁雄心4:唤醒勇虎 Hearts of Iron IV: Waking the Tiger for Mac 下载 – 好玩的战争策略游戏大作

2018年05月06日 游戏 ⁄ 共 823字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 6,583 次

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今天和大家分享一款好玩的战争策略游戏:钢铁雄心4:唤醒勇虎,英文名【Hearts of Iron IV: Waking the Tiger】,这个DLC是以中国1936年抗日战争为背景,加入了中国独有国策树。并且有全新的任务和地图,对德国和日本的焦点树进行了升级,以第二次世界大战为背景,玩家能从“1936·战争之路”、“1941·觉醒的巨人”等几个大型剧本的数十个国家中选择一个来控制。在游戏中你能控制任一国家参与到第二次世界大战的历史进程之中,很好玩的一款战争游戏!


Years before Europe went to war, Japan’s imperial ambitions targeted the divided Chinese Republic. Crippled by political paralysis and centuries of fitful development, China is still not a pushover. With vast reserves of manpower and resources, not to mention a giant landmass, the Republic of China and its temporary ally, the Communists under Mao, can withstand another aggressor. There have been, after all, very many.

Waking the Tiger is the newest expansion for Paradox Development Studio’s celebrated World War II strategy wargame, Hearts of Iron IV. This expansion adds new gameplay options for all players, and has a special focus on the Asian front of the deadliest war in human history.


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